Address the Man : I Can't Breathe

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Address the Man is an advocacy initiative by tashvock design collective. In the wake of the death of George Floyd and the Black Lives Matter protests that are happening around the country (and the world), we wanted to do our part to make sure that Black Lives Matter’s, community groups’, and regular citizens’ voices were being heard as they call for an end police brutality.

We partnered with Uncover KC to provide addressed and stamped postcards to distribute at the June 5, 2020 protest at City Hall in Kansas City, Mo. Protesters filled out the postcards on site, and we were able to mail nearly 50 bright postcards calling to ban the use of strangleholds by the Kansas City police department just that day to the KC Police Commissioner Board. After one month, tashvock provided over 350 postcards to be sent locally, regionally and even to the White House.

Address the Man : I Can’t Breathe postcards and other versions are available for free to individuals and organizations who would like to join the cause and our postcard writing campaign to end police brutality. Visit our Address the Man page to request postcards today!

Rachel Kauffman